[The registration has closed.] THE INAKA -TENRYUKYO・IIDA CITY-
~ 回到原點之旅:歡迎回到鄉村 ~
~ A Journey Back to Your Roots. Welcome Back to the Countryside.~
Come experience the authentic Japanese countryside while surrounded by seasonal nature, spend time with local residents, and enjoy warm home-cooked meals using fresh ingredients prepared with love by farmers.
THE INAKA –天龍峽・飯田市 –
A Journey Back to Your Roots. Welcome Back to the Countryside.
Come experience the authentic Japanese countryside while surrounded by seasonal nature, spend time with local residents, and enjoy warm home-cooked meals using fresh ingredients prepared with love by farmers.
~Tenryukyo, Iida City, Nagano Prefecture~
This scenic area offers not only surprises and impressive views, but also heartwarming interactions and special moments.
~’Imada Ningyo Joururi’ and ‘Wayuraku’~
Visitors can experience ‘Imada Ningyo Joururi,’ a traditional rural performance art found in Minami-Shinshu,’ as well as ‘Wayugaku,’ a style of music passed down through generations.
~ Apple Sampling Experience at a Local Apple Farm~
Compare the many delectable styles of apple found in Minami-Shinshu.
~Spend Time with Local Residents~
The most meaningful part of this experience comes by interacting with the locals. Learn how to make mochi and enjoy staying in a typical farmhouse.
~Tenryu River Rafting~
Visitors will ride along the Tenryu River on wooden boats, enjoying a popular trade route established during the Edo period.
・享受名列tabelog Gold的飯田名店「柚木元」監修的特製小吃與美酒
An “Authentic” Countryside Experience
・A Three-day, two-night all-inclusive tour departing from JR Toyohashi Station with time spent in the Tenryukyo area in Iida City, Nagano Prefecture
・An exclusive train car on the JR Iida Line
・Special snacks and drinks supervised by Yukimoto, a famous restaurant in Iida that was awarded Gold on Tabelog.
・Various experiences in nature in each of the four seasons (such as rafting on the Tenryu River, scenic sky walk, agriculture and livestock farming experiences, etc.)
・Experience traditional Japanese culture (mochi pounding, Fire Festival, Wayuraku, Ningyo Joururi, etc.)
・Stay in a farmhouse homestay to experience real life in the Japanese countryside
[Plan A]
①January 10-12, 2025The registration has closed.
②January 17-19, 2025The registration has closed.
[Plan B]
①January 12-14, 2025The registration has closed.
②January 19-21, 2025The registration has closed.
③January 24-26, 2025The registration has closed.
第1天 從都市移動至自然並體驗文化
從豐橋站出發(9:50) [車內體驗內容:提供由柚木元監製的特製小吃與飲料、體驗水引製作、Ringon手帕 ※配有口譯與導遊服務) → 抵達天龍峽站 → (午餐)體驗搗年糕 →在龍江稻田體驗歲末火燒的製作 → 抵達龍峽亭(晚餐) [選擇農家民宿的旅客:前往農家住宿處,選擇柚木元晚餐的旅客:移動至柚木元餐廳,選擇龍峽亭的旅客:晚餐] →(住宿)[農家住宿or龍峽亭]
第2天 天龍奧三河國定公園的自然散步
在龍江的農田體驗歲末火燒 → 體驗天龍川漂流 → (午餐)體驗五平餅製作 → 在今田人形館體驗人形淨琉璃 → 在蘋果農園進行蘋果品種比較試吃體驗 → 返回龍峽亭(晚餐) → 欣賞和遊樂表演→(住宿)[農家住宿or龍峽亭]
第3天 帶著回憶與伴手禮返回都市
進行住宿地的清掃[文化體驗:「一宿一飯」的感恩] →於天龍堂集合[提供柚木元的御燒、贈送土產,選購伴手禮) → 從天龍峽站出發 → 抵達豐橋站(12:30)
第1天 從都市移動至自然並體驗文化
從豐橋站出發(9:50) [車內體驗內容:提供由柚木元監製的特製小吃與飲料、體驗水引製作、Ringon手帕 ※配有口譯與導遊服務) → 抵達天龍峽站 → (午餐)體驗搗年糕 →在龍江稻田體驗歲末火燒的製作→ 在今田人形館體驗人形淨琉璃 → 抵達龍峽亭→(晚餐) → 欣賞和遊樂表演 →(住宿)[農家住宿or龍峽亭]
第2天 天龍奧三河國定公園的自然散步
在龍江的農田體驗歲末火燒 → 體驗天龍川漂流 → (午餐)體驗五平餅製作 → 在蘋果農園進行蘋果品種比較試吃體驗 → 返回龍峽亭(晚餐)[選擇農家民宿的旅客:前往農家住宿處,選擇柚木元晚餐的旅客:移動至柚木元餐廳,選擇龍峽亭的旅客:晚餐](住宿)[農家住宿or龍峽亭]
第3天 帶著回憶與伴手禮返回都市
進行住宿地的清掃[文化體驗:「一宿一飯」的感恩] →於天龍堂集合[提供柚木元的御燒、贈送土產,選購伴手禮) → 從天龍峽站出發 → 抵達豐橋站(12:30)
[Plan A]
Day 1 – Leave the City and Experience Culture in Nature
Depart from Toyohashi Station at 9:50 (Onboard Activities: Special snacks and drinks provided by Yukimoto, Mizuhiki making, Ringon Happi, Interpreter/Guide provided) →Arrive at Tenryukyo Station→(Lunch) Mochi-making experience→Dondoyaki-making experience→Arrive at Ryokyouten (Dinner) [Either on farm, at Yukimoto, or at Ryokyouten] →(Lodging) [On farm or Ryokyouten]
Day 2 – Explore Nature in Tenryu Okumikawa National Park
Dondoyaki Experience in the fields of Tatsue→Rafting on the Tenryu River→(Lunch) Goheimochi-making experience→Imada Ningyo Joururi experience at Imada Ningyo Puppetry Hall→Apple sampling experience at a local farm→Arrive at Ryoukyoutei (Dinner) →Wayuraku experience (traditional Japanese music) →Lodging [On farm or Ryokyouten]
Day 3 Return to the City with Happy Memories and Souvenirs in Hand
Room Cleaning (Cultural Experience: Showing appreciation for a meal and a night’s lodging) →Tenryoudou Gathering (Enjoy oyaki from Yukimoto, receive gifts, choose souvenirs) →Arrive at Tenryukyo Station→Arrive at Toyohashi Station (12:30)
[Plan B]
Day 1 – Leave the City and Experience Culture in Nature
Depart from Toyohashi Station at 9:50 (Onboard Activities: Special snacks and drinks provided by Yukimoto, Mizuhiki making, Ringon Happi, Interpreter/Guide provided) →Arrive at Tenryukyo Station→(Lunch) Mochi-making experience→ Dondoyaki experience in the fields of Tatsue→ Imada Ningyo Joururi experience at Imada Ningyo Puppetry Hall→ Arrive at Ryokyouten (Dinner) → Wayuraku experience (traditional Japanese music) → (Lodging) [On farm or Ryokyouten]
Day 2 – Explore Nature in Tenryu Okumikawa National Park
Dondoyaki experience in the fields of Tatsue→Rafting on the Tenryu River→(Lunch) Goheimochi-making experience→Apple sampling experience at a local apple farm→Arrive at Ryukyoutei (Dinner) [Either on farm, at Yukimoto, or at Ryokyouten] →(Lodging) [On farm or Ryokyouten]
Day 3 – Return to the City with Happy Memories and Souvenirs in Hand
Room Cleaning (Cultural Experience: Showing appreciation for a meal and a night’s lodging) →Tenryoudou Gathering (Enjoy oyaki from Yukimoto, receive gifts, choose souvenirs) →Arrive at Tenryukyo Station→Arrive at Toyohashi Station (12:30)
This is a special tour allowing visitors to experience the traditional Japanese countryside and beautiful landscapes of Minami-Shinshu. By participating, guests can leave the hustle and bustle of the big city behind, appreciating the true essence of Japan by spending time in the quiet region of Tenryukyo, Iida City, Nagano Prefecture.
Guests will board a limited express train departing from JR Toyohashi Station on the Tokaido Shinkansen to JR Tenryukyo Station.
Visitors can enjoy special snacks and drinks utilizing local ingredients and supervised by the famous local restaurant Yukimoto, one of the 35 restaurants out of 850,000 nationwide to be awarded “Gold” status on Tabelog, a popular restaurant rating site in Japan. Those visiting Tenryukyo can explore the local agriculture and livestock farming, tasing the area’s famous apples and Nagano pork. During their homestay, visitors can enjoy interacting with local residents, and the program offers unique experiences for each of the four seasons, including rafting along the Tenryu River in a peaceful national park. Guests can experience ‘Wayuraku,’ a classical performing art found in Iida, as well as ‘Imada Ningyo Joururi, a traditional rural art form.
The area is also home to a magical festival in which the gods are entertained at local hot springs, which is said to have inspired a world-renowned animated film. Visitors can experience a place where ancient Japanese traditions are still very much alive.
All reservations include access to a transfer car and the option to dine at Yukimoto, where getting a reservation can be particularly tricky. The “ordinary” things that are part of everyday life in the countryside can seem “special” to city dwellers.
Visitors will rediscover the gratitude and warmth of “ordinary” things and will have a unique and original experience through deep connections with local people that transcend standard tourism.
從 JR 豊橋車站出發 每人158,600円 → 79,300 日圓(含稅)特別價格,半價!
選購① 柚木元晚餐:38,500 日圓(含稅)+10% 服務費(飲料費另計,含稅)
・ JR飯田線 豐橋站~天龍峽站 往返車票(包車)
・ JR飯田線 車內飲品與小吃服務
・ 各種體驗費用(水引製作、歲末火燒、和遊樂、天龍漂流、五平餅製作、人形淨琉璃、蘋果品嘗、農家住宿)
・ 當地交通接駁
・ 土產禮品
・ 全程保險
・ 導遊、口譯
■Travel Fee
From/To JR Toyohashi Station: ¥158,600 → 79,300 per person (Tax Included)Special Price, Half Off !
Option ①: Dinner at Yukimoto: ¥38,500 (Tax Included) + 10% Service Charge *Drinks not included
Cost Includes:
・Accommodations for two nights, bath tax
・Meals for three days and two nights (Day 1: Lunch, Dinner / Day 2: Breakfast, lunch, dinner / Day 3: Breakfast
・JR Iida Line: Toyohashi Station – Tenryukyo Station round-trip train fare (chartered train for the tour)
・Drink and snack service on the JR Iida Line
・Various Experience Fees(Mizuhiki-making, Dodonyaki, Wayuraku, River Rafting, Gohei Mochi-making, Apple Sampling Experience, Ningyo Joururi, Farm Homestay)
・Local Transportation
・Insurance for the entire tour
・Guide and Interpreter
● 本次旅遊無隨行領隊,但會有當地工作人員全程陪同,以確保旅程的順利進行。
● 根據勞動基準法規定,工作人員在工作中需適時取得一定的休息時間,敬請各位旅客理解並配合。
● 行程中的包租巴士原則上禁止吸煙。此外,儘管行程標示為巴士接送,但根據團體人數可能會改為計程車接送。
● 因為是團體旅遊,無法接受對座位(如窗邊、走道、座位位置等)的指定需求。即使是兩人以上一起參加,也可能無法安排相鄰座位,可能會成為前後座位。
● 原則無法安排合住房(除特定合住房行程外)。
● 〈和室〉若未特別標明房間容納人數,則每間房間可容納 1~3 人或 1~7 人不等。
● 房型無法指定(部分行程除外)。
● 農家民宿以真實的農家生活迎接旅客,並不將旅客當作顧客對待,而是以家人或親戚的方式相處,讓您在各農家的特有風格中體驗彼此的交流。
● 您將入住的是普通的農家,並非旅館或酒店,因此服務方式不同。您將共同參與烹調、協助家務,並透過這樣的過程加深交流。
● 您將住在以「襖」隔間的傳統日本家屋中,敬請尊重房主的生活方式,並請自備個人物品(如睡衣、毛巾、日用品等)。
● 多數農家民宿僅能說日語,但會盡力以簡單的英語和肢體語言(手勢等)與您溝通。
● 基本安排為每3人入住一戶農家,雖然會準備各自的房間,但可能僅有簡單隔間,且房間無鎖。
● 若希望1人單獨入住1戶農家,需加收11,000日圓(含稅);若2人入住1戶農家,需加收5,500日圓(含稅)。但視情況可能無法滿足您的要求,敬請見諒。
● 最低成團人數為14人。
● 若參加人數未達最低成團人數,將於行程開始日前21日通知取消行程。
● 由於觀光景點的營運安排等原因,行程順序可能會有所調整。此外,當地工作人員和導遊將全程陪同,以管理參加者的行程。雖然可提供一些簡單協助,但若可能影響工作或涉及醫療、專業知識的需求,則無法提供協助,敬請見諒。
● 所有照片僅供參考。刊載的風景、花卉、祭典、料理等照片可能與實際有所不同。
● 若您有健康狀況、需要使用輪椅等輔助器具、身心障礙、食物或動物過敏、懷孕或可能懷孕,與身障輔助犬(導盲犬、助聽犬、輔助犬)同行,或其他需要特別照顧的情況,請於報名時告知我們參加旅行所需的特別協助(如旅行契約成立後出現此類情況,也請立即告知)。我們將根據您的需求,提供詳細資訊,並安排旅行中所需的具體措施。
● 在收到上述需求後,本公司將在可能且合理的範圍內提供協助。屆時,我們可能會詢問您當前的狀況及所需措施的內容,並可能要求以書面形式進行說明。
● 本公司為確保旅行的安全與順利進行,可能會要求陪同輔助者或同伴同行、提供醫師診斷證明,或對部分行程內容進行調整。此外,如無法安排客戶所要求的特別措施,本公司保留拒絕旅行契約申請或取消旅行契約的權利。 基於客戶的申請所提供的特別措施,其相關費用原則上由客戶自行負擔。
長野縣知事註冊 旅行業第2-431號 長野縣旅行業協會會員旅行社
Information and Precautions
Charter Bus Company: Iida Yui Bus or similar company
Railroad: Central Japan Railway Company
[Information and Precautions for Group Travel Products]
● This tour will not feature a tour conductor, but a local staff member will accompany customers in order to manage the itinerary to the best of his/her ability.
● In addition, according to the Labor Standards Law, it is necessary for workers to take a certain amount of breaks during work hours.
(Regarding Transportation)
●As a rule, no smoking is permitted on chartered buses during the itinerary. Even when bus transportation is indicated, cab transportation may be used depending on the number of passengers.
●We cannot accept requests for window or aisle seats, seat position, etc. for seats used in group tours. In addition, even if there are two or more participants, they may not be seated next to each other or may be placed in front of or behind each other.
(Regarding Ryukyotei Guest Rooms)
●No shared rooms are available (except for tours advertising shared rooms).
●<Japanese Style Rooms> When there is no special capacity written, the room capacity is 1-3 or 1-7 persons per room.
●The room type cannot be selected (excluding some exceptions).
(About Farm Homestay)
●We want our guests to enjoy the typical life of a rural farm family, treating them like family members and relatives, not like guests. We encourage visitors to interact with their host families, as each family has their own unique characteristics.
●Unlike the hospitality found at inns and hotels, food will be prepared in a communal way, and guests are invited to help with household chores and stay overnight.
●Guests will stay in a Japanese house in a private room featuring a sliding door. Please respect your host family and bring your own personal belongings (nightclothes, towels, daily necessities, etc.).
●Most of these farmers speak only Japanese, but they will eagerly try to communicate using a little English and gestures.
●Up to three people will stay in one home. Each person will have their own room, but it may be a partitioned room with no key.
●Those wanting to stay at a farmhouse alone will be charged an extra ¥11,000 (tax included). It may not be possible to fulfill this request depending on the amount of guests taking part in the tour.
(Regarding Cancelations and the Minimum Number of Participants)
●The minimum number of participants is 14.
●If less than the minimum number of participants signs up, we will give notice of the tour’s cancellation 21 days (minimum) before the tour start date.
(Regarding the Tour and Itinerary Management)
●The itinerary may be subject to change depending on the availability of sightseeing spots. Please note that local staff and guides will accompany all participants to manage the itinerary. Minor assistance is possible, but will not be provided if it interferes with their work or requires medical or professional knowledge.
(About Photos)
●All photos are for illustrative purposes only. Photos of scenery, flowers, festivals, food, etc. shown may differ from what guests will experience.
(Additional Notes)
※ Arrival and departure times seen in the itinerary are subject to change due to traffic conditions.
※ If weather-dependent itineraries such as walks and outdoor events are cancelled, the tour will be rescheduled. However, the tour fee will not be refunded.
※Any personal purchases will be up to the participant. Please note that consumption tax and other taxes will be charged. Fees are subject to change in accordance with consumption tax revisions.
※Menu items are subject to change depending on the season and availability of ingredients.
[For Guests Requiring Special Assistance]
If you need special consideration for your trip, please notify us immediately. (Additionally, please let us know any changes that may impact your trip).
●If you are in poor health, use a wheelchair or other equipment, have a physical or mental disability, are allergic to food or animals, are pregnant or may become pregnant, are traveling with a service dog for the physically disabled (guide dog, hearing dog, service dog), or require any other special consideration, please inform us when booking your tour. (Please inform us immediately if any of these conditions arise after submitting your application.)
●We will do our best to comply with guest’s needs to the best of our ability. We may inquire about the customer’s situation and any necessary measures, and we may ask the customer to provide such information in writing.
●In order to ensure a safe and smooth tour, we may require the accompaniment of a caregiver or companion, the submission of a medical certificate from a physician, or may make changes to part of the itinerary. If we are unable to arrange the special measures requested by the customer, we may refuse their application or cancel the tour contract. The cost of any special measures taken by the company for the customer’s needs will be the visitor’s responsibility.
Registered with the Governor of Nagano Prefecture, Travel Agency No. 2-431, Member of Nagano Travel Agents Association
Mitsuru Takahashi, General Travel Service Supervisor
※This tour is covered by special travel compensation.
※We will provide visitors with more details after they submit their application.
※ Please click here to see all Travel Conditions.
※Customers can also apply for the tour via phone or fax.